The Champaign County Emergency Management & Homeland Security Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) addresses Champaign County’s planned response to extraordinary emergency situations associated with all hazards such as natural disasters, technological emergencies and terrorist attacks. It is the principal guide for mitigating emergencies and disasters; ensuring the protection of health, safety, and property of the public and aiding in recovery operations for the agencies and jurisdictions in the community. It is intended to facilitate multiple-agency and multiple-jurisdictional coordination, particularly among local, state, and federal agencies in emergency management and establish a framework for an effective system of comprehensive emergency management.
In order to execute the EOP effectively and mobilize available resources, all implementing personnel must have knowledge of the procedures set forth in this plan and be trained in its use. Agencies having roles and responsibilities established by the plan are expected to develop Standard Operating Guidelines and Procedures based on the provisions of the plan.
The EOP was developed using generally accepted emergency management principles and practices. Incorporated are planning elements derived from Federal Emergency Management Agency and Ohio Emergency Management Agency planning documents. Modifications to this plan may be made under the direction of the Director of Champaign County Emergency Management and Homeland Security. Adoption occurs following an established maintenance schedule; however, the plan may be modified in the interim without prior approval and formal adoption.
The EOP is a statement of policy regarding emergency management and assigns tasks and responsibilities to county, city, and village officials, department heads and various agencies and organizations, specifying their roles during, before and after emergency or disaster situations. It is developed pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 5502 and Ohio Revised Code Section 3750, conforms to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and all applicable Homeland Security Presidential Directives, and is promulgated by the chairperson of the Executive Committee of Hamilton County Emergency Management and Homeland Security representing each of the 49 jurisdictions in the County.
In order to execute the EOP effectively and mobilize available resources, all implementing personnel must have knowledge of the procedures set forth in this plan and be trained in its use. Agencies having roles and responsibilities established by the plan are expected to develop Standard Operating Guidelines and Procedures based on the provisions of the plan.
The EOP was developed using generally accepted emergency management principles and practices. Incorporated are planning elements derived from Federal Emergency Management Agency and Ohio Emergency Management Agency planning documents. Modifications to this plan may be made under the direction of the Director of Champaign County Emergency Management and Homeland Security. Adoption occurs following an established maintenance schedule; however, the plan may be modified in the interim without prior approval and formal adoption.
The EOP is a statement of policy regarding emergency management and assigns tasks and responsibilities to county, city, and village officials, department heads and various agencies and organizations, specifying their roles during, before and after emergency or disaster situations. It is developed pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 5502 and Ohio Revised Code Section 3750, conforms to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and all applicable Homeland Security Presidential Directives, and is promulgated by the chairperson of the Executive Committee of Hamilton County Emergency Management and Homeland Security representing each of the 49 jurisdictions in the County.